Friday, July 10, 2009

Understanding Myself

It is me?
Who am I?
What i have done?
Why did i do that?
Why am i like me now?
What's the purpose of my life?
There are so many questions in my head. And there will always be. From the very beginning God has put infused knowledge on me to know HIM as i knowing myself. As i get myself closed to HIM then i will understand myself clearer.

But there will always be sometime that i have to face a difficult phase of life, a phase that i have to know the reason of my being, the purpose of all reality surrounds me. Why am i becoming like this?

The most difficult phase of life is not when no ones understands you, but when you are not understand yourself.

How should we know ourselves better? No one knows. But from so many ways as being offered by experts, one thing I am sure is to know better who our creator is. The creator of Life, the Creator of my life, The Creator of me is God. He is the One, He is the Almighty God. And we are His Creatures. So, to understand ourselves then we must come to HIM, love HIM, try our best to know His will. Read the Holy Bible, do His commands and ask for His blessings. That’s what I know.


  1. mey, dah bisa kok kalo mau kasih komen... hehe...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. iya uda.. tpi lupa mau komen apa kemaren.. hehehe :P
